TH: First off can we get a little introduction for some people that may not know who you are? Name, Age, Homebase, Occupation, What kind of camera do you use for your Instagram photos?
Nicky: My name is Nicky. I'm 26, born in Queens, and raised in Long Island. I work for Frederator Studios. For my pictures I either use my Nikon D3000 or my work camera, Canon 7D.

TH: Your really heavy in the Nike SB world, have you always strictly stuck to Nike SB or did you start in the sneaker game with another line?
Nicky: For the most part, yes, with a few non-SB dunks. Before I started collecting, I wore Converse, and Vans, but I would own one pair at a time. It wasn't until I found Nike SB, that I really fell into collecting.
TH: You have a very specific style that some may try to duplicate but cant. What are some of your favorite clothing brands out there?
Nicky: Hah, I wouldn't say that, but thank you. I just wear what I like. At the moment/in the recent past, my outfits both work for what I like, and for work. My wardrobe is mainly made up of button ups, flannels, band t-shirts, and Supreme caps.
My favorite brands at the moment are Uniqlo (seriously some of the best clothing I've ever owned), Supreme, Mishka, and Nike SB. There's a ton of brands out there that I truly love, but when it comes to wearing, they either don't fit right, or the quality doesn't match the price. Those four I can depend on.
TH: What are your top 5 Nike SB shoes?

5. Unkle Dunks - It's THE best pink shoe in my opinion. The black and white is a perfect contrast, and I love Futura's work, not to mention Unkle's music. It's just one of the coolest hightops out there.
4. Red Supreme Blazers - I love the red quilted leather and the gold accents. That's enough to put them in my top 5.
3. Freddy Krueger Dunk - I love the theme and inspiration, and how it was translated onto a shoe. I love the story and history behind it, and "Nightmare on Elm Street" is my favorite horror movie of all time. Hands down.
2. Lau Janoskis - A simple everyday shoe.
1. Tiffany Dunk - in my opinion, the best looking shoe. In regards to material choice, color blocking, and overall look. Can go with anything. DS or beat condition, they still look great. And it just so happens, my girlfriend's name is Tiffany.
NOTABLE MENTION: Paris's are my all-time grail, because I love how they look, but I just think there are better shoes out there.
And if I could own any sneaker, it would be Mint Chocolate Chip Dunk High samples, FLOMs, or Hay samples.
TH: What are your top 5 non SB shoes?
Nicky: A lot of them I don't own, or I used to own.
5. Solar Yeezy 2s? I guess, haha I can't think of another Non SB shoe I'd care to own.
4. Sole Collector Highs iD - I just recently sold my pair, because they weren't in the best condition, but they have such an amazing combination of materials. White croc, reflective toebox and side panels, and the burgundy midsole and pink outsole is a nice touch.
3. Olympic Dunks - An awesome gold dunk.
2. Coraline Dunks - I actually won the giveaway, and it was awesome. I then traded for another pair, which I still own and wear frequently. You just don't see a dunk like that everyday. Another great example of amazing material choice, and the inspiration/theme really shows.
1. Air Mags - I don't think I'll ever own a pair, but I grew up loving the Back to the Future franchise. Even got Christopher Lloyd's signature. They're just such a great shoe. Not because of the hype, but watching that movie as a kid, that feeling I got seeing those shoes on screen, and knowing they're a real shoe now, is just amazing. My fingers are crossed that when we get to 2015, I can get my hands on a pair.
TH: Whats your biggest guilty pleasure?
Nicky: Hahaha, the first thing that comes to mind is playing Grand Theft Auto Online, and just killing the same guy again and again. That's not really a guilty pleasure though. I don't know man, it would have to be food or something. Or French Bulldogs, haha.
TH: What is something people may not know about you that would surprise them?
Nicky: I'm left handed. I won a Junior Bowler's Tour when I was 16. I hold 2nd place in the world for: Mario Kart Double Dash!! - Grand Prix - All Cup Tour - 150cc
TH: If you had to choose Nike SB or Supreme which one would it be?
Nicky: Nike SB hands down. I wouldn't even be interested in Supreme if it wasn't for Nike SB.
TH: You are also very talented in custom sneakers as well. How long have you done them?

TH: Whats your favorite shoe of 2013 so far?
Nicky: I have to give it to Digital Floral Janoskis. The first colorway. I haven't been impressed with any of the dunks and haven't picked up any since the blue box era. But even in catalog pics, I was excited about those, and they're easily my favorite shoe of 2013.
TH: What shoe has been the hardest to get that you currently own?
Nicky: It's a toss up between the Freddy samples (the scrapped colorway) and the reverse Hunter samples. Two shoes I always thought would only exist in pictures for me. And then one day, I got both! Haha those two are overly sentimental to me.
TH: Any last words for the people out there?

I'm all about the hunt, especially when it comes to samples. A lot of the samples I've acquired have taken a long time to obtain. And a lot of people like to play games that are easy for them, say with all the cheat codes enabled. Sometimes you get more from a game when you play it for yourself. Or watch a movie without reading a review, you know? That's a stretch of an analogy, ha. Especially when it comes to sneakers.
We live in a time where this sneaker "Game" has changed, and a lot of players of this game, just flaunt how much money they have, and that's certainly not what it's about, at least to me. If you have the money, more power to you, but don't buy a $10,000 sneaker, just because it's a $10,000 sneaker. But hey, if that's you, good for you.

Ultimately, buy, wear, do, (insert verb) what you truly like, and be honest to yourself, and everyone else around you.
TH: Well said... Where can everyone find you on social media?
nicholasfung - Tumblr

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