Welcome to our first in a long ongoing series of features called SoleHype. Solehype focuses on the sneaker world and the people that keep the culture moving forward in the right direction. This is your chance to get to know your favorite sneaker world figures a little better. So without further adieu here to kick off todays feature is non other than Phillip Myall better known as @phillywise from Instagram. Continue below for the full interview.
Phillip: My name is Phillip Myall, I'm from Calgary Canada, 33 years old and I work in Oil & Gas.
TH: What kind of camera do you use for your Instagram Photos?
Phillip: I use a Canon Rebel T4i or my iPhone.
TH: What's your partner in crime's name? Truly looks like the definition of man's best friend.
Phillip: My dogs name is Kuro and he's a loves sneakers more than I do lol love him to death.... been on this journey together for almost a decade now.
TH: You definitely have a well-rounded collection of sneakers, is there a specific signature line that you prefer?
TH: Brand Jordan or the Kobe Signature line?
TH: What do you consider to be the definition of a "Sneakerhead" and do you fall into that category?
Phillip: My definition of a "Sneakerhead" is someone who is interested in the culture, not just buying shoes because they are hyped or limited or wanting to flip them to make a quick profit. I would say I'm a Sneakerhead for sure.
TH: What's the most amount of pairs you've bought at once?
TH: How many sneakers are currently in your stash? Do you wear everything?
Phillip: My last count was a little over 300 and that was so long ago I don't even remember when it was. No, I don't wear everything.... unfortunately.
TH: Whats the #1 thing you hate most about the current state of the sneaker world and what do you love the most?
Phillip: I most dislike the fact that a lot of good dudes who really want a certain pair of kicks are missing out due to resellers/bots. I love that some of the best friendships I have were made through the love of sneakers

Phillip: Flyknit Chukka's are AMAZING even though they aren't "under the radar" and Lunaracer 3's - love those!!
Phillip: Top 2: Jordan 3/11 and the everything else just rotates.
TH: Last words for the readers and where can we find you on social media?
Phillip: Humbled to be asked to interview and thank you very much again..... and remember at the end of the day how many shoes you have, what shoes you have shoes really mean nothing, it's all for fun.
Make sure to follow Phillip on Instagram for a constant stream of extremely high quality photos and a bit of variety when compared to some other Instagram sneakerheads.
Follow @phillywise
Follow @phillywise
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